Flexibles Datenbanksystem ist der Schlüssel zu einem IoT-smarten Versorgungsunternehmen

Echologics and its partners provide utilities with flexible data recovery options and the ability to adopt their data as they grow into full IoT-enabled smart cities. This flexibility enables water utilities to implement new technologies at their own pace over a radio, cellular or LoRa-based network.

Radio Frequency (RF) is the most basic of the return options, ideal for smaller utilities with fewer endpoints and less extensive networks. The data is transmitted from one point to another over the RF spectrum. Once the network has been set up, there are no monthly costs and the data is safe.

For utility companies interested in implementing IoT-based leak detection and pressure management solutions , cellular return transport is a good option. Since certain telecommunications providers provide cellular networks, the company does not need to create its own networks. This enables water suppliers to quickly introduce technology into the water network. This option is an ideal starting point for an IoT-based program or for utilities without full AMI capabilities.

Utilities looking for an option with the most extensive IoT capabilities should migrate to a LoRa-based network. LoRa stands for "long range" and is an HF modulation method that, compared to conventional systems, offers high transmission power and a greater range. This option eliminates the noise that can interfere with basic RF transmissions, allowing longer range data retrieval. LoRa is not a proprietary network, which allows utilities to connect to any IoT-enabled device.

Written by: Mike Stadnyckyj

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